Friday, February 18, 2011

Explanation for Oscar rankings

#1 True Grit: This is the best movie that we have watched in class so far.
 This movie satisfied me because it had so much action scenes. True Grit is also humorous in
some scenes. My favorite scene was when Cogburn single handedly took out 4 of Chaney's men. This movie shows that there is a strong relationship between Cogburn and Mattie.

#2 Social Network: This is my second best movie because it has many funny scenes such as the chicken scene but its also informative. Throughout the movie Mark has manipulated his friends and sabotoged them because of his greed to become accepted. This movie is more about friendship

#3 Inception: I listed this as my 3rd favorite because the next three were horrible. There are some pros and cons of watching this movie. Its good because it gets you thinking about their world. Its bad because it doesnt relate to the real world.

#4 The King's Speech: This movie is very intriguing because it shows how a soon to become King cant lead a powerful country because he has speaking problems. He never gave up with the help of a therapist until he accomplished his goal. I like the lighting of the movie it looked very classical and old.

# 5 Winter's Bone: It was torture, in the beginning of the movie, but once I got a feel for what the movie was about, I wanted to know what was going to happen next. I think that when Ree cut her father's hand off it was graphic but I liked it because it was unexpecting.

#6 Toy Story 3: There is really nothing to say about this movie but that it is sinfully boring. I left after 20 minutes of the movie. The only scene I remember was when they were getting their friend back. It was somewhat funny.  

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oscar nominated rankings

Social Network
  1. Slow beginning
  2. Nice writing
  3. Great actors
  4. Nice soundtrack
Winter's Bone
  1. Amazing plot
  2. Realistic
  3. Leadership
True Grit
  1. Funny
  2. Nice setting
  3. Maddie is determined to find Cheney
The King's Speech
  1. Nice Plot
  2. Informing
  3. Funny
Toy Story 3
  1. Great animations
  2. Nice
  3. Nice plot
  1. Lots of visual effects
  2. Wierd plot
  3. Overall mediocre

  1. True Grit- To me I think True Grit

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review


  1. Al Pacino fitted the Tony Montana role
  2. Great story plot
  3. Remake of the 1932 fim "Scarface"
  4. Lots of action
  5. Great sound effects
  6. Makes you want to watch it over and over again
  7. Exciting
  8. Good soundtrack
  9. Great actors
  10. Tony Montana had it coming!
  11. From rags to riches
  12. One of the best movies I've watched
  13. Exciting Ending
  14. Good supporting actors
  15. Overall its a great movie
Review Of Scarface
I would say that Scarface is one of my favorite movies of all time because the movie basically says that its tough living in poverty and thats why many turned to drug trafficking. I think that movie "Scarface" has a great plot. The main character Tony Montana, who was an immigrant from Cuba started selling cocaine for a living. Along the way he came across friends that betrayed him. So he killed them because he didnt want them to ruin his business. In the end he would be killed in his own mansion by other druglords. It has many exciting scenes such as when Tony is in a nightclub and his enemies tried to kill him but he and his bodygaurds kill them off. Al Pacino did very good acting in one of his top movies.